ET Foundation

The Mission

Study and Work

ET Foundation is a non-profit organization that seeks to generate social change from the development of comprehensive training projects for young people, in order to generate in them cognitive, labor and psychosocial tools that will transform their lives and that of their families, under the purpose of building a society and a better future.

The Study and Work Foundation since its inception and in agreement with its founders, have been committed to the importance of social reponsibility in their communities and in their region.

The Vision

ET Foundation (Study and Work), envisions itself as a leading organization in technological and professional education and comprehensive training for young people, promoting the development of being, innovation and youth empowerment; providing tools and opportunities for academic and labor integration that make it possible to reduce inequality gaps, impacting the social fabric with a projection into the future.

0 %

Have access to higher education in the Atlantic

0 %

Travel for study purposes of better quality of life 17-29 years old

0 %

Unemployment rate Barranquilla – Soledad 0.3 P.P above the 23 main cities in Colombia

Transforming their lives through study and work

ET Foundation adopted the commitments agreed upon by the United Nations Organization under the strategic line of action of the SDGs:

1. No Poverty
4. Quality Education
8. Decent Work and Economic Growth
10. Reduced inequalities
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
17. Partnership to Achieve the Goals

Do Good

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the World