One Earth

A song to save

Planet Earth

The Earth makes a call, the planet needs the help of people, otherwise it will collapse due to pollution, global warming and policies that only seek to exploit natural resources without taking into account the consequences for humans, animals and nature.

The solution is not easy, but everyone’s help is needed to mitigate the damage that has been done to the Earth, for this reason Juanes, Ali aka Mind and David Kawooq of Doctor Krápula joined forces to make One Earth, a song that invites human beings to defend the rights of nature.

“One Earth, One love, One heart”, three words, three artists, three genres that come together in a song that aims to raise awareness

An Anthem
  • One Earth is a song that to the rhythm of reggae and hip hop sounds has the purpose of inviting to fight, to want and to believe, because it is possible to stop and/or mitigate the environmental crisis that the planet is living if we all unite, “we are on global alert and the change must be now”.


  • The song is part of the album Derechos de la Naturaleza, a project of the Colectivo Ley de Origen that seeks to convey an important message through music. It is the fourth installment of the album Derechos de la Naturaleza, an album with the participation of more than 20 artists.


  • Some previews of this album had already been released with songs such as Fuego en el Bohío in the voice of David Kawooq and Big Mancilla, Hicha Uaia performed by Ali a.k.a Mind, Rubén Albarrán and David Kawooq and Es Mejor with the participation of Andrés Cepeda, Ali a.k.a Mind and David Kawooq.
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